Shah Rukh Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment is all set to bring Sanjay Mishra starrer Kaamyaab to the mainstream audiences in India. To make the film's premiere tonight even more special, the actor-producer himself is expected to be present for it.
Expressing his excitement, Sanjay Mishra shares, `To have Shah Rukh Khan as one of the makers for this little gem of a movie is really an incredible moment for everyone associated with Kaamyab, especially me.` He adds, `It's extremely generous of SRK to back this movie and we all look forward to watching it together tonight.`
The premiere of Kaamyaab will be an intimate affair which will see the attendance of the entire cast of Kaamyaab along with the makers and personalities from the industry.
Life has definitely come full circle for the lead star Sanjay Mishra who plays Sudheer, a character actor in the upcoming release. When the film 'Oh Darling! Yeh hai India' starring Shah Rukh Khan released in 1995 with actor Sanjay Mishra starting his career with the same, no one knew that one day, the superstar would be producing his film, 'Kaamyaab'.
With the fraternity already rooting for the film which has received acclaim and awards across the globe, more people from the industry are all set to come together at the event to celebrate the film and show their support.
The trailer of Kaamyaab is already garnering all the appreciation for its impactful storyline that highlights the journey of character artists. A Drishyam Films production, Kaamyaab is slated to hit theatres on March 6th and we already are excited to witness this 'extra se extraordinary' journey of character artists.
Tuesday, March 03, 2020 10:45 IST