Sanjaya Malakar, the India-American contestant of US talent hunt show "American Idol", has survived another week, and people are asking what it will take to get rid of
A media poll by Daily News showed that 74 percent of the people who responded want to send Sanjaya packing, but "American Idol" voters instead axed Stephanie Edwards
from the show when her interpretation of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love me" failed to impress the judges, reports
A MySpace blogger, who has gone on a hunger strike until Malakar is booted out of "American Idol", is very unhappy.
"I'm really starting to feel sorry for Sanjaya," the blogger wrote. "People keep voting him through because they think it's funny... and I think it's to the point where this kid is
starting to believe his own hype."
Edwards left the show in tears, but she wasn't the only one crying. The producers had a 13-year-old girl from Riverside planted in the audience, who was caught on camera
gushing and weeping uncontrollably, while Sanjaya was 'butchering' his song onstage. Chris Richardson was the other singer facing expulsion.
Friday, March 23, 2007 13:33 IST