Actor Dev Sharma, who made his acting debut with superhit film Yaariyan in 2014 went on to do some noted films like Heropanti and Muzzafarnagar is back with yet another romantic musical drama Aa Bhi Ja O Piya. Actress Smriti Kashyap will be seen opposite Dev and will be marking her acting debut with the film.
Director Rajesh Harivansh Mishra shares, `When producer Umesh Rana along with his writing team narrated me the script, I was thrilled by the simplicity of the story and narrative. I feel the important touching point was that the lead protagonist chooses to live and work in his village despite receiving an education in the city and working there for sometime. He gives it all up and becomes an entrepreneur at his home, close to his roots.`
Talking about the film and his character, actor Dev Sharma says, `Aa Bhi Ja O Piya is a very special film for me and it's closer to my heart. The character I play here is nothing like me, Dev Sharma or like any of the characters I have done in the past. I play Kaushal in the film, who is an educated boy but still prefers to stay in the village. He is a man of few words and pure heart. The film is a sweet simple musical drama for the family audiences with a range of emotions.`
`When I first heard the narration of the film by director Rajesh Mishra, I realised it was very special. We shot in the remote and virgin locations of Jharkhand. There were places where even vehicles could not reach, so a vanity van was out of question. The whole crew had to walk up hill and down the valley with tents for changing and to protect equipment in case of rains. The film shows Jharkhand like never before,` he adds.
Aa Bhi Ja O Piya is produced by Binay Mehta, Umesh Rana, Shambhu Mehta and Anand Mathur under their banner Johar Entertainment. Shot in the beautiful locales of Jharkhand by Sanjay Khanzode, the film is penned by S. K. Sachin. The music is composed by Ashutosh Singh and songs are sung by Sonu Nigam, Palak Muchhal, Rahul Pandey, Deepali Sahay, Keka Ghoshal and Megha Sriram Dalton.
Saturday, March 14, 2020 12:17 IST