Actress Karisma Kapoor's daughter, Samaira Kapur, has featured in a short film 'Daud', which is directed by Ananya Panday's younger sister Rysa Panday, and directed by Chunky Panday. In the film, Samaira plays a supporting role as a friend. The seven-and-a-half-minute film also stars Sanjay Kapoor's son, Jahaan Kapoor. Samaira plays a supporting role as a friend. Karisma even took to Instagram and shared the movie's link among her followers.
'Daud', which is available on YouTube, revolves around a young girl from the slums of Mumbai The girl sells pencils to support her mother, but dreams about dreaming about becoming a sprinter She is helped by three young students- Samaira, Jahaan and Dhaniti Parekh from well off families They buy her shoes and encourage her to follow her dreams. Watch the short film here:
Interestingly, 'Daud' is not the first film that Samaira has acted in. In 2015, at the age of 10, she directed a short film in which she acted as well. The film was screened at the International Children's film festival of India in the Little director's category that year.
Karisma Kapoor, too, has made her digital debut with Ekta Kapoor's web series 'Mentalhood' on ALT Balaji. It is also available on Zee5. The show is about a mother, Meira, who moves to Mumbai from Kanpur. The show also stars Dino Morea, Shruti Seth, Sandhya Mridul, Sanjay Suri, Shilpa Shukla, and Tillotama Shome.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 13:36 IST