Karni Sena is notorious for protests against period drama films. The outfit had protested against Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Padmaavat' in 2018, accusing them of distorting historical facts and showing the Rajput queen 'Padmavati' in poor light. They had also protested against 'Jodhaa Akbar' in 2008. It has now asked the producers of 'Prithviraj', an upcoming epic drama film starring Akshay Kumar, not to tamper with the facts. The film marks the debut of Manushi Chhillar, Miss World 2017.
Members of the outfit, led by its national president Mahipal Singh Makrana, staged a stir at the shooting of the film in Jamwaramgarh village, near Jaipur, on Saturday and asked the director, Chandra Prakash, to stop the shooting. Prakash assured them that there was no tampering with historic facts in the film's script. However, Karni Sena demanded a written assurance.
Akshay was not shooting when the Karni Sena members staged the protest on Saturday. " We held discussions with the director, Chandra Prakash, regarding the film's script today. We told him that no tampering with historic facts will be tolerated," Makrana said on Monday. "Prithviraj Chauhan should not be portrayed as a lover in the film. The director has assured us that there is no such thing in the movie but we want a written assurance," he said.
'Prithviraj' is an upcoming historical action drama film directed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi and produced by Aditya Chopra under his production banner of Yash Raj Films. It is about the life of Chahamana king Prithviraj Chauhan and stars Akshay Kumar in the lead role of Chauhan, while Manushi Chhillar (her debut film) plays his wife Samyukta. The film will hit the theatres on 13 November 2020, on the occasion of Diwali.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 15:15 IST