At a time when many serials are going off the air leaving the actors jobless, Gurdeep Kohli, lead protagonist of the popular TV soap 'Sindoor Tere Naam Ka' appears to be
confident of returning to the idiot box.
"Yes I have a few projects in the pipeline and will soon be back on television. It will be a short break after Sinndoor" says Gurdeep. She has yet not finalized any new deal
but says that within a month she will be back on television.
'Sinndoor' had just celebrated its 500 episodes a few weeks back and the news came that it would be going off air. Till recently the grapevine had it that Gurdeep was not
being called at the 'Sinndoor' party even though she was the leading lady.
"That is a thing of past and I'm no longer thinking about it", clarifies Gurdeep.
Gurdeep Kohli and Arjun Punj had participated in the second season of 'Nach Baliye' last year during which they tied the knot.
"It will be a short break for me. But don't worry, I'll be back", reassures Gurdeep. - SAMPURN
Monday, March 26, 2007 16:25 IST