Recently while shooting for an episode of 'Sshh...Phir Koi Hai' in Rajasthan at a palace called Dholpur, little knows actor Karan Mehra not only had to experience on screen
horror but some off it as well. The palace apparently had three women buried in it, who used to reside there long time back.
Though overwhelmed with the beauty of the palace, the poor man had a terrible time in the nights while sleeping because he swears he heard noises from outside his room
every night. Scared out of his guts, did not dare tread out and check where it was coming from.
"I was really freaked out during the nights. And to add it all I slept all alone in this huge bedroom which was made in the typical ancestral style."
For the first time,
television has been allowed to shoot at the location and we bet after hearing Karan's tales, not many will be willing to go there for a long time to come.
And talking
about first times, Karan will be seen for the first time in the show with a moustache.
Guess, it's after all a complete new experience for him! - SAMPURN
Monday, March 26, 2007 16:29 IST