Shah Rukh Khan is presently working out to get in shape for Farah Khan's Om Shanti Om. We are told the actor owns an amazingly popular fitness machine called the
Power Plate
A source close to the actor reveals, "As soon as Shah Rukh realised Power Plate was one of the most popular workout machines in the world right now, he placed an order
and got it delivered from abroad."
We are informed that SRK works out on the Power Plate every time he trains with his personal trainer Prashant who confirms,"Yes, Shah Rukh owns the machine and loves
working out on it. In fact, it has been quite helpful in giving him that chiselled look that we are trying to work out for Om Shanti Om."
Power Plate is a huge hit with A-list celebrities like Madonna, abroad, adds Prashant. "The best thing about the plate is that it uses the principles of body vibrations to
enhance fitness and well being," Prashant says.
Prashant is thrilled to work with Khan and calls him a real hard-worker. "It's amazing to see the amount of energy and time he spends on preparing himself for a role."
Power Plate is one of the most expensive workout gadgets, costing anywhere between Rs 2-3 lakh. the device has yet to be launched officially in the country, but there are a
few exclusive clients that own it.
Monday, March 26, 2007 16:30 IST