A little birdie had recently had spotted Amrita Arora and Aftab Shivdasani smooching in a dark corner at Poison a couple of days back. However, Amrita denies the incident and claims to know the name of the actresses who is spreading such malicious rumours about her.
Amrita informs, "I have no idea where this news has come from. I was not smooching Aftab. The rumour is absolutely malicious. A couple of actresses are out to malign me. It's in bad taste."
Amrita explains further, "I was at the party with my boyfriend Usman Afzal and a bunch of friends like Zayed Khan, his wife Mallika, Sohail Khan, my sister Malaika and Aftab. In fact even Yana came in later to join all of us."
"I don't know why some people cannot believe that a boy and a girl can just be friends. Aftab and I are very close friends and no matter what, I will not let these rumours affect my relations with Aftab.
Usman Knows about my relationships cos I am very open and I am committed to him. I would never indulge in something so frivolous and stupid like this even if my boyfriend is not around" adds Amrita.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 15:03 IST