Shaza Morani, daughter of Chennai Express producer Karim Morani, has tested positive for COVID-19 on 5th April. She is currently admitted in Nanavati hospital as per reports. To a text message inquiring if Shaza had tested positive for COVID-19, Morani confirmed to PTI, `Yes it is true.` As per reports, Shaza was in Australia and had returned before the lockdown was announced to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Shaza resides in Juhu, a posh Mumbai locality with her parents and sister. The news has caused a scare as Juhu is also known to be the residence of famous Bollywood personalities like Amitabh Bachchan, Shatrughan Sinha, Hrithik Roshan and Jeetendra.
Shagun, the building in which the Moranis reside, is now under complete lockdown. There are nine people in Shaza Morani's family and all of them will be tested for the deadly virus by the authorities on April 6. This is reportedly the first case in the Juhu area.
Shaza is the second known Bollywood personality to test positive for the deadly infectious virus. The first one is singer Kanika Kapoor, who tested positive for the coronavirus first time on March 20.Shaza Morani, daughter of Chennai Express producer Karim Morani, has tested positive for COVID-19 on 5th April. She is currently admitted in Nanavati hospital as per reports. To a text message inquiring if Shaza had tested positive for COVID-19, Morani confirmed to PTI, `Yes it is true.` As per reports, Shaza was in Australia and had returned before the lockdown was announced to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Shaza resides in Juhu, a posh Mumbai locality with her parents and sister. The news has caused a scare as Juhu is also known to be the residence of famous Bollywood personalities like Amitabh Bachchan, Shatrughan Sinha, Hrithik Roshan and Jeetendra.
Shagun, the building in which the Moranis reside, is now under complete lockdown. There are nine people in Shaza Morani's family and all of them will be tested for the deadly virus by the authorities on April 6. This is reportedly the first case in the Juhu area.
Shaza is the second known Bollywood personality to test positive for the deadly infectious virus. The first one is singer Kanika Kapoor, who tested positive for the coronavirus first time on March 20.
Monday, April 06, 2020 12:45 IST