Actor Rajeev Siddhartha who we best remember for his diverse roles as Romil in ALT Balaji's web series show Romil & Jugal, Veer Diwan in Netflix's Upstarts and Bala in 24 among many others, is currently basking in the glory of his three eye-ball grabbing web shows that have released recently. Rajeev was last seen in Voot's Marzi and the super acclaimed Amazon Prime series Four More Shots Please and his recent third release which is Hotstar's Hundred starring Lara Dutta and Rinku Rajguru. Within 2 days of the release, Hundred has been getting amazing reviews and Rajeev has impressed the audiences and critics with his performance.
In the series 'Hundred', Rajeev plays the role of a shady racketeer under the garb of running a legitimate business. He is very work driven until Rinku's character comes into his life and changes it completely.
Talking about working on Hundred, Rajeev said, "It was a great change working with three directors namely Ruchi, Ashutosh and Taher. Each had their unique approach to direction and different styles but the best part was their vision was singular - that helped a lot in shaping the performance. It helps when there is clarity and it shows in the final cut."
In the series, Rajeev who mostly shares screen space with Rinku Rajguru said, "Rinku was a delight to work with. It's always fun to act alongside someone who is a thorough professional and someone who is so well prepared."
The next big-ticket project on the anvil for Rajeev is a web series directed by Prakash Jha which also stars Bobby Deol and Chandan Roy Sanyal. Talking about being a part of Prakash Jha's project, Rajeev said, "The series was the biggest in scale that I have worked on. To work with a living legend like him was definitely was a wholesome experience and not just professionally. His limitless energy and the way he effortlessly conducted such a massive project was inspiring. As an actor I have learnt a lot from him. I'm playing a very interesting character, something very different from what I have played in the past and that is all I can say for now. I'm looking forward to this project hitting the screens."
From a poster boy in Four More Shots Please to serious roles in Hundred, Marzi and Prakash Jha's series, the investment banker turned actor, Rajeev Siddhartha has his game on point in Tinseltown.
Monday, April 27, 2020 13:39 IST