Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor was manhandled at a function allegedly by some activists of Bhartiya Nari Shakti Organisation and Bajrang Dal who accused him of being
involved in exploiting women.
The activists allegedly garlanded Kapoor with a black cloth and slapped him on Sunday night when Kapoor was sitting on the dais for receiving the 'Teppa Samman' for his
contribution in popularising the art of comedy in films.
The award was instituted by an organisation headed by Shiv Sharma holding Akhil Bhartiya Teppa Sammelan every year at the Kalidas Academy in Ujjain.
The activists protested the decision of the organisers to honour Kapoor saying he does not deserve the award following his alleged involvement in exploiting women, as
exposed by a TV channel.
Sharma confirmed that Kapoor was beaten by the activists.
Police has not registered a case against any person as no complaint was made.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 14:44 IST