Well-known pop crooner who shot right back in Bollywood with Kajra Re has more reason for excitement. After Bunty Aur Babli, Don and Dhoom: 2 last year, she's in the
news for lending her voice to Kareena Kapoor in the forthcoming Kya Love Story Hai.
With the track It's Rocking Yaara Kabhi Ishq To Karo becoming a hit, Alisha is
smiling. "I am overwhelmed with the audience tesponse," she says, as she gets ready to fly to London for the Pop Idol.
"Pritam called me in and gave me a
background of the film and the song. He sang the mukhda and the remaining for me, and it really rocked! I knew we had another hit on hand. Within the next hour-and-a-half
flat, I completed recording the song!"
She agrees that the popularity of the song has trebled because of the rocking visuals. "Kareena looks splendid in the song. The picturisation is fantastic!" she beams.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 14:47 IST