Amazon Prime Video's Original crime thriller Paatal Lok has received incredible critical acclaim and consumer love since its launch. Adding to the excitement amongst fans, Amazon Prime Video launched an original track titled - Toofan Main, the song's hard-hitting lyrics and tune find itself perfectly in sync with Paatal Lok's gripping plot line and dark theme.
Sung by the renowned rappers Prabh Deep and Sez On The Beat (Sajeel Kapoor), the song is buoyed by socially conscious lyrics that puts you face-to-face with the harsh realities of today's world. The rapper duo have taken the internet by storm with songs that transform everyday stories of struggles into anthems of survival and perseverance. Highlighting the brutality of modern society, the song is upbeat, fresh and perfectly captures the mood of the show.
The show takes one deep down into a world engulfed in lies and crime - the netherworld. The show features Jaideep Ahlawat as inspector Hathiram Chaudhary, Neeraj Kabi as a prime time reporter Sanjeev Mehra and Abhishek Banerjee as the main antagonist - Hathoda Tyagi.
Saturday, May 23, 2020 11:02 IST