Akshay Kumar first donated Rs 25 crores to PM Cares fund to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Later, he also helped the BMC with Rs 5 crores for PPE Kits and now Akshay has extended his helping hand once again to the cine artists. Recently, Akshay has now provided a generous assistance of Rs 45 lakh to many needy actors and junior artists who work on a daily basis in the film industry.
According to a report by FilmBeat.com, an artist named Pranay Narayan said that many actors have received Rs 3000 from Akshay Kumar in their bank accounts. Pranay said that many daily wage actors like him are yet to receive help from the government and so far their industry is helping them in these tough times.
Akshay transferred the money by getting a list of details of these actors from CINTAA. Earlier, Salman Khan had also obtained a list of more than 25000 daily wage workers from organisations like CINTAA and deposited an amount of Rs 5000 in each of those accounts. Bhaijaan recently celebrated EID by distributing 5000 ration kits to the people in need.
In these hard times, Bollywood stars coming forward to help the people is proving them to be real-life heroes in the eyes of their fans. Over 1 lakh 58 thousand cases of coronavirus have been reported in India so far. Out of these, 67692 have recovered and 4531 people have lost their lives.
Thursday, May 28, 2020 12:46 IST