Yana Gupta has opted out of Bheja Fry and the director has replaced her with Sarika, Kamal Hassan's ex-wife who is taking hesitant steps on the comeback trail.
The makers were on the look out for a gorgeous looking women to play Rajat Kapoor's up-market wife in the film and they zeroed in on Yana who would have made her
acting debut with the film. Sagar Bellary, the director of Bheja Fry, explains, "Yes. Yana and Sarika are very different from each other and it's difficult to think that one can be
replaced by the other.
But in the context of our script, the change makes sense. We wanted a lady who can carry off the role of an up-market, independent woman
who differs in opinion with her very successful husband. I know Yana has oodles of sex appeal, but she also comes across as a very classy woman with taste.
Bellary is seemingly happy about his altered decision as he completes the film with Sarika. "I had thought of Yana originally, but it is amazing the way Sarika has handled
the role." He adds about his experience with the actress, "Sarika is a fantastic human being too. It's actually a privilege to know her."
When Yana was undoubtedly his first preference, what made him change his mind swapping her with Sarika? "There were some date issues with Yana". Says Belllary
Friday, April 06, 2007 14:24 IST