In an interview with a leading magazine, Jacqueline shares, "Right now I'm actually quarantined in a farm and was lucky enough to get here right before the lockdown was announced. It's been good two months but there's alot of nature here, there is lot of good fresh air, animals."
Talking about her daily activities, Jacqueline adds, "So I've been horse riding everyday, in the morning and in the evening, that's what I really enjoy doing. I've been working out, I've been putting alot of time into yoga and meditation. I'm trying to catch up on reading, it's something that I find myself procrastinating on. I'm trying to do as many courses as I can. So I'm doing a hindi course and I'm also doing an editing course which is just helping me make my vlogs and understand the entire process because we're in quite a situation where I don't have my team with me so there's alot of things I need to do on my own and I'm catching up on my work."
Talking about how Jacqueline is managing work during the lockdown, the actress adds, "Lucky for us we have zoom now so we can do our conferences and not have to physically be around and in offices to actually get our meetings done. I'm riding and I actually somehow find myself quite busy, it's great I'm trying to be as productive as possible try to stay sane and that's possibly the only way for me to do that."
It's great to see how Jacqueline is using this time productively on brushing up her skills and learning some new ones and also telling her audiences how they can learn a new skill.
Jacqueline has been on a roll in 2020 with back to back song releases and also, a film release marking her OTT debut titled Mrs Serial Killer which recieved immense appreciation for her phenomenal characterisation.