Recently, Gautam Chaturvedi was in the news for winning a prestigious award for his home production Work From Home as an Actor, Director and Writer. Today, this beautifully scripted and shot film has been awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award at the prestigious Druk International Film Festival (DIFF). Scripted, shot and packaged during the lockdown, the film has brought about a revolution in how films will be made during this global pandemic.
A one of its kind productions, showcasing how this sudden Lockdown has thrown many a lives off balance financially, emotionally and psychologically was written, shot and packaged keeping the staying at home protocol in check at all times. The movie deals with the intricacies of the life of a couple who have 2 kids and are married for over a decade, but soon enough, the cracks in their relationship show up and then life takes a sudden turn
Gautam Chaturvedi, known for his role as Gaurav in Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki, is the creative brain behind this film. While Gautam has been off the television industry for the past few years, his contribution to the world of TV/films is remarkable. Starring Mouli Ganguly, Ridhiema Tiwari, Neelu Kohli and Gautam Chaturvedi himself, Work From Home is a creative brilliance that will soon be available exclusively on an OTT platform for the audience at large.
Gautam Chaturvedi, Founder and Managing Director, Pine Tree Pictures said, `We are beyond delighted to see how well the film has been doing at film festivals. Druk International Film Festival being the second award feather for the film, our faith in good content that taps into the creative minds of the audience is just reinstated. We are thankful to the jury of the festival and can't wait to see how the audience would receive this short film.`
Mouli Ganguly said,` It was a unique experiment and creatively challenging as we all shot separately from our respective homes without any direct interaction with co actors. Yet, the final product looks like the whole movie was shot together and that is the real beauty of the film. We have already two awards and are positive of many more to come. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gautam Chaturvedi for creating this film. And a huge thank you to Nilu Kohli, Ridhiema and our respective families who doubled up as our camera team.`
Ridhiema Tiwari said, `Shooting for Work From Home has framed the best times for me during this lockdown. This short film opportunity was initially just a positive grab for my own selfish interest to feed the artist within. I have known actor Gautam Chaturvedi now a multi Tasker for a decade now and we fortunately fall in the same category of passionate creatives seeking magic in simple things in life. We kept our faith in Gautam ,the characters we played and the script. We as a team are overwhelmed with this magnified victory and accolades this short film is receiving.`
Druk International Film Festival (DIFF) is a monthly live screening film, music, and screenwriting competition with a sole purpose to celebrate the joy of creation in the lap of nature. DIFF showcases an outstanding presentation of independent filmmaking, while also building a strong sense of community around the art of visual storytelling.
Friday, July 03, 2020 13:52 IST