While Aishwarya Rai may be getting ready to don glitzy designer wear at her wedding, a young girl in Bihar is toiling away at an exquisitely embroidered red sari for the
actress to wear on that special day.
Joyti Kumari, a 17-year-old college girl from Sipaya Tola in Gopalganj district, about 250 km from here, is a diehard fan of Aishwarya. And she is very busy these
For, the actress is getting married to actor Abhishek Bachchan in Mumbai on April 20, and Joyti hopes she will finish the sari in time to present it as a gift.
"She has been working day and night for nearly a month to create the finest embroidered sari for Aishwarya to wear on her wedding day," a close relative of hers
The relative said that Joyti selected a bright red sari keeping in view the beauty and fair complexion of Aishwarya. The sari, it is estimated, would easily sell for around
Rs.7,500 if sold in the market.
Designer Neeta Lulla is reportedly designing embroidered saris for Aishwariya. But Joyti has her fingers crossed.
"I plan to visit Mumbai next week to personally hand over my gift to Aishwarya," Joyti said. But she was not sure whether Aishwarya would meet her. "I will try my best," she
She was in Class 10 when Aishwarya was crowned Miss World in 1994. "Since then, I have been a diehard fan of her and want to share my joy with her," she said.
A BA first year student in Mahendra Das College, Joyti is quite well known locally for designing women's clothes, particularly embroidered saris and salwar-kameezes. She
trained in embroidery and stitching at an institute here a few years ago.
In her free time, Joyti helps girls from poor families by teaching them how to stitch and embroider. "It is my dream to help others," she said.
Right now, though, she is dreaming of a very special gift for a very special person!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 13:47 IST