Sanjana Sanghi, who will make her debut in Dil Bechara, has urged fans to not fight for big screen. Sanjana has shared a voice message on Instagram, about the decision to release the movie directly on the streaming platform Disney+Hotstar. Dil Bechara, an adaptation of The Fault in Our Stars directed by Mukesh Chhabra, will serve as Sushant Singh Rajput's last film.
Sharing the post she captioned it saying, `Parda Abhi Filhal Bada Na Ho, Humara Dil Toh Ho Sakta Hai Na? `Let's make this a time to celebrate a legendary life, a film?` Further she added, `A time to give a tribute, to embrace these extremely challenging circumstances we all are in. And not a time to revolt, asking for something that in our present reality cannot be made possible. Let's NOT make it about the size of the screen we get to watch this labour of love on, his last, and in my humble belief, his finest. Let's instead make it about the size of our hearts, that we can make as big as we wish to, and fill up with as much love, joy and pride as we want. Let's cherish it. Relish it. Celebrate it. In any and every way we can?`
In her message, she said that the team has worked hard for two-and-a-half years with the intention that the film could be enjoyed on the big screen. They never could have anticipated the back-to-back tragedies of Covid-19 and Sushant's death. All one can do, Sanjana said, is look for silver linings. `The silver lining here,` she said, `is that this labour of love will reach you.`
The film will be released on24th July, for both members and non-members.
Sunday, July 05, 2020 16:52 IST