Sarah Jane Dias, the new Miss India, has already made her debut in a Bollywood film titled Brides Wanted, starring Anuj Shawney and directed by Girish Acharya. The film
is ready and will be released soon.
Naturally, the producer, Bala Kumar of G V Films, is more than happy and this is wat they have to say about her in there ever
clichéd style!
"We are elated about Sarah's success. It will help the film reach wider audiences," says. Sarah has always been someone who has had an extra spark about her and when
you meet her you will know that she is very optimistic in her outlook on life," says Shawney, Sarah's first reel-life hero.
Shawney further adds, "She is the kind of
person who will never let success go to her head and it has been a pleasure to work with her and I am very happy that I am her first screen hero with whom she will debut."
Kumar adds about the film, "It is basically the journey of Sarah and Anuj (an NRI who wants to get married) about discovering love. The film also had Waheeda
Rehmanji and Girish Kannadji in lead roles."
Thursday, April 12, 2007 14:01 IST