Bigg Boss is one of the most popular shows which has a huge audience in India. Salman Khan's show is aired on Colors TV in the month of August-September every year. In the last season (BB 13), Sidharth Shukla took the trophy to his house and now the time is coming for the new season.
You might think that how it would be possible for this show to be aired. Actually, the format of this season would be very different from previous ones and exciting too. In some way, there will be a connection with the lockdown to take care of social distancing because of Covid-19 epidemic.
Perhaps, you read this absolutely right! The makers are ready with the new format and theme which we know you are so curious to know about. "Lockdown" is the main thing they'll focus on and the rules will be different from the seasons you have watched yet.
As per the news of Pinkvilla, it might happen that housemates will be allowed to use electronic gadgets for sending videos to their close ones, unlike previous seasons. So, how much are you guys excited to watch BB14 to destress your mind from Covid-19?
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 17:41 IST