When industrialist-MP Vijay Mallya was asked to comment on homosexuality in the rapid-fire question round on Koffee with Karan. His response was "ugh."
This single comment has won him the anger of hundreds of people across the nation and abroad like a wild fire.
After the telecast, Mallya's office was flooded with hate e-mails and letters from various gay viewers from around the world who not only expressed their disappointment
about Mallya's comment but also demanded a public apology.
Shobhaa De who was also a guest was quite shocked too, by the way Mallya responded.
In his letter to Mallya, Vikram from GayBombay (a organisation fighting for the rights of people of alternate sexuality in the city) has put a voice to the anger and disdain
expressed by like-minded individuals saying, "I think I'm speaking for a lot of people in saying that I was really disappointed to hear your reaction to Karan Johar's question in
the rapid-fire round of his show, when you replied to his one word question of
"Homosexuality? " with a very heartfelt sounding "ugh!" Immediately after the show I got calls from people expressing their dismay.
If it was, in fact, a misrepresentation, it would help a lot if you could issue a statement perhaps confirming that, and that you do, in general, respect homosexuals, advocate
tolerance towards people of all kinds and support the decriminalisation of consensual adult sex in India.
If on the other hand, you do feel, as appeared from the programme, that homosexuals are disgusting and should not be tolerated, then at least if you can confirm that we'll
know where you stand."
Reacting to his letter, Mallya has issued out a statement through Prakash Mirpuri, senior general manager, corporate media relations, United Breweries Group that said,
"This remark was made on the spur of the moment.To me, personally, homosexuality may be distasteful but I have absolutely nothing against it. I have many many gay
Friday, April 13, 2007 16:58 IST