With regard to the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput suicide case, the Mumbai Police on Saturday recorded the statement of Yash Raj Films chairman and film director Aditya Chopra in Sushant Singh Rajput's case. According to a ZEE news report, Aditya Chopra was recently interrogated for 4 hours, in which he made many important revelations about the late actor. Aditya told the police that Yash Raj Films paid 30 lakhs for Sushant's first film 'Shuddh Desi Romance' (2013) and Rs 1 crore for the second film 'Detective Byomkesh Bakshy!' (2015).
His statement further discloses some facts about Sushant Singh Rajput and said, "it is wrong to accuse that Sushant was in depression due to Yash Raj Films' 'Paani'. Sushant was cast for the lead role in this film and about Rs. 5-6 crores were spent in the pre-production stage of this film with a budget of 150 crores, but due to the creative difference between the director Shekhar Kapur and us, we finally decided, to shelve the film. In the year 2015, we released Sushant from this contract and during that time there was no disagreement or resentment between us. Even after this, whenever we had a conversation with Sushant, things were normal between us."
The report further highlighted Aditya Chopra's views on Sanjay Leela Bhansali's statement, "Sanjay Leela Bhansali signed Ranveer Singh in March-April 2012 for his film 'Ram Leela'. At that time Sushant Singh Rajput had no contract with Yash Raj Films. Yash Raj Films signed Sushant for the film 'Paani' in November 2012, by then 'Ram Leela' cast was already decided by Sanjay. This allegation is absolutely wrong that Sushant couldn't sign 'Ramleela' film due to 'Paani'. The filmmaker further denied about Sushant's depressed condition and stated that he had no idea about Sushant Singh Rajput being in depression.
The police recorded statements of 35 others before Aditya Chopra, including the actor's family members, people from the film fraternity including casting director Mukesh Chhabra, business manager Shruti Modi, co-actor Sanjana Sanghi, his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali and among others.
Monday, July 20, 2020 16:16 IST