Bollywood's Miss Sunshine has time and again shared how the actress stays fit, mentally positive, how she has achieved control over her emotions, and learnt to strike a balance in her life. Social media, a beautiful place to connect with her audiences, the actress shares how she keeps it real, what's the difference between the on camera and off camera Jacqueline.
In a recent interview with a leading magazine, the actress was asked about how real is she on social media to which the actress answers, "I would say 98 per cent of it is real. Honestly, I cannot fake it, and can't stand people who do. I know some people who are not like what they pretend to be on social media, and that irritates me."
Sharing more insights about the virtual world, Jacqueline further adds, `However, people in the virtual world can be highly judgemental since there are millions of opinions, beliefs and perspectives. It's difficult to cater to everyone."
Adding on how sometimes you can end up offending someone, the actress says, `There's a good chance, that, what you post might disturb or offend someone. And I do not wish to do that or create controversy."
Jacqueline has a huge following from around the world with different backgrounds and perspectives. The fact that the actress still manages to connect with almost all is worth appreciation. The actress is also mindful about how and what she posts on social media and always connects with her audiences and is never afraid to speak her heart. The audiences love the actress for her positive self and how the actress practices what she preaches. This is what sets her apart.
The year 2020 has been great for the actress as she had back to back song releases and her debut on OTT with Mrs Serial Killer and her intense character was loved by all.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 13:22 IST