The upcoming comedy-drama film 'Lootcase' is all set to release on the OTT platform of Disney+ Hotstar on the 31st of July. Lootcase features a concoction of talented actors with Kunal Kemmu in the lead along with Gajraj Rao, Rasika Duggal, Ranvir Shorey, and Vijay Raaz. The film will have a hilarious plotline which will follow the story of a man who finds a 'red suitcase' filled with money.
Recently, the audience was treated to a song from the upcoming film which pays tribute to the famous red suitcase in a quirky and hilarious way! The song is titled 'Laal Rang ki Peti' and is a 90s style pop number talking about facts of life. The melodic sweet Music is composed by Amar Mangrulkar. The song is sung in alluring vocals of Vivek Hariharan and penned by Kapil Sawant.
The song video is directed by Rajesh Krishnan in which actor Kunal Khemu can be seen dancing merrily with the bag and treating it with love. Lootcase is directed by Rajesh Krishnan and produced by Fox Star Studios and Soda Films Productions.
What will happen with the 'Lootcase'? Find out when the giggle-packed film is available for streaming! Mark your calendars for 31st July 2020 and make sure not to miss out on this one!
Thursday, July 23, 2020 18:12 IST