I'm sitting down to write this article in the midst of a coronavirus lockdown that's not only affecting me here in Indore City, but also families around the world. Your COVID-19 routine could be a detailed schedule, or just a rough plan with a few ideas or reminders of things to do throughout the day. Whatever approach you choose, at the end of each day, don't for one second feel guilty if you haven't ticked off every box. If this month has taught us anything, it's that life can shift at a moment's notice.
I just wanna request to all please keep active during self-isolation,keep it simple, learn new skills and improve a skill, workout at home, try online learning etc.
I want to share my experience about Exercise & Fitness, Exercising regularly, every day if possible, is the single most important thing you can do for your health.Strength-training that works all major muscle groups-legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms.The aerobic exercise are considered safe people can do plan easily.
Manpreet Says - As most of us will be working from home glued to our devices, it is important to spend some time on workout whenever possible. As the world is struggling with a deadly pandemic, it might not seem like the best time to talk about being positive. However, not many know that staying happy, hopeful, and positive during these hours of global crisis, is how we would eventually overcome this unfortunate scenario.Here's how you could make the best of self-quarantine phase and stay happily safe at your home.
Let's stay strong and fight the COVID19 outbreak by taking all precautionary measures. Stay active, stay safe, be vigilant and most importantly remember, prevention is better than cure. Please take care everyone and Don't Forget To Stay Active at home.