"American Idol" contestant Sanjaya Malakar was booed by crowds at a recent Dodgers-Padres baseball game in Los Angeles.
"He was just sitting there having a good time with his friends, just like a regular person. And when the Dodger camera noticed him, the cameraperson ran over and taped him.
"Sanjaya's face pops up on the big screen right away. At first he smiled, he seemed to like the attention. But when the entire crowd at the stadium started to boo and it was loud! His smile faded a bit and his eyes looked sad," said an eyewitness who was at the Dodger stadium to watch the game.
"It's like he was trying to keep a fake smile on, but you could tell he was crestfallen. He just kept waving and smiling for a few seconds more then his image went off the screen," added the eyewitness.
While so many detractors online and on radio think the Indian-American Sanjaya should have been booted from "American Idol" weeks ago, Ricky Minor, the show's music director, thinks otherwise, reports www.hollywood.tv.
"You know what? I think that he could win the show," Minor said. "He's gotten this far because he really is what he is - he's got this huge smile, he's a handsome guy and is really likable. People are pulling for him - and people really care about him."
Not only has he aliened viewers with his so-called "fauxhawk" hairstyle, but what also irks them is that he survives week after week even though he can't carry a tune in a bucket.
"I can tell you he can sing," insisted Minor. "I think there are people who are naysayers, but I've run into a lot of credible people who really enjoy his voice. He has a connection to the lyrics and people are pleasantly surprised.
"This isn't a singing competition alone. It's for a star to emerge. Sanjaya has a huge likeability factor. I think it's possible for him to win based on the way he's moving through the competition."
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 15:54 IST