Akshay Kumar who was deeply grieved by his business manager's sudden death has now decided to fulfil the manager's dream.
Vikas Bali, who has been associated with Akshay ever since he stepped into Bollywood, had a dream of launching his son in Bollywood. Now Akshay has taken this
responsibility. He has spoken to Rakesh Upadhyaya of Baba Films about Vedant, Bali's son.
Akshay has decided to play the lead role in the film which would be a launch pad for Vedant. Lokesh and Rana, the other two sons of Bali have been appointed as the new
business managers for Akshay.
No doubt it is noble thought to take the responsibility of Bali's family but why are you going to play the lead role in the film?
If we did not get it wrong, it is supposed to be Vedant's debut film.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 15:58 IST