According to a Bollywood website, Ramesh Sippy has jumped on to the remake- bandwagon as he now plans on presenting a new version of his 1982 super hit, 'Satte Pe
The orgianal film revolved around the lives of seven brothers, the oldest of whom was played by Amitabh Bacchan and, Hema Malini was paired opposite
The modern-day version is to be titled 'Seven' and will have 5 men and 2 women in the lead. Amitabh's role in the original has supposedly been offered to Sanjay Dutt and,
Shakti Kapoor is also to be a part of the film. It is believed that Sippy is considering a guest-appearance by Amitabh in a cameo role as well.
The veteran director has also roped in Mithun Chakraborty's son Mimoh and newcomer Vivana to play the role of the youngest brother (performed brilliantly by Sachin in the
original) and one of the female leads respectively. Incidentally, both Mimoh and Vivana have been paired opposite to each in Sippy's forthcoming film 'Jimmy'.
News has it that with the casting more or less taken care off, the hunt for music directors is on – in fact, it is believed that Mr. Sippy is on the look-out for four
music-directors to do the music score of 'Seven'. -
Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:57 IST