Geeta Basra, who debuted in Dil Diya Hai opposite Emraan Hashmi, is unhappy with the promos of Shyam and Narendra Bajaj's Train (once again starring opposite
Apparently, the promo, that went on air last Friday, has very little of Basra focussing more on Miss India 2004 Sayali Bhagat.
Geeta was very excited on Friday, but was shocked when she saw the promos.
She immediately called director Hasnain Hyderabadwala, who tried cajoling her but she is still not over it.
She feels that since she has the meatier role as compared to Sayali, the spotlight should primarily be on her.
Basra says she is upset over the stepmotherly treatment given to her in the publicity of the film. "I am the protagonist of the film. Emraan's character is married to Sayali's
but has an extramarital affair with me that starts off on a train. The story revolves around me. Why have I been sidelined? I was happy with the first promo, but cannot say the
same for the second."
On the other hand Hasnain admits that Basra called him, but says, "The Emraan-Sayali promo, which has rattled Geeta, is our second promo.
She was very prominent in the first promo that went on air sometime back. Sayali was not even featured in that one.
This style of promotion — not showing Basra more in the second promo — is part of our strategy."
Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:58 IST