After the sad demise of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, Mumbai police has been investigating the reasons behind his sudden death, but this case is getting more complex with each passing day. While interrogation, many of his closed ones are now coming up with a new piece of information every day.
The case has taken a whole new dimension after Sushant's father filed an FIR against his ex-girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. Now Ankit Acharya, the former assistant of the late actor has come out with some of the unknown facts about SSR.
While in an interview with Republic TV, he said that "everything was fine until Rhea came in Sushant's life. The actor was having lots of plans for his future as he wanted to take a break from the entertainment industry and do farming."
Ankit also stated that he along with other staff was fired all of a sudden and Sushant was unaware of this. When the poor guy went to collect his 2 months due salary, he saw Sushant in the worst situation ever because the actor looked dull, had dark circles and protruding veins on his forehead.
Then he started getting worried about Sushant's condition and hence out of concern, got in touch with one of the existing staff members, then he was told that Rhea is wasting lots of money to spend a lavish lifestyle.
Sushant's ex-assistant further added that Sushant never used to lock his room while going to bed, and Rhea used to make sure that Sushant is not meeting or contacting anyone, be it his family, friends or the old staff.
Well, the investigation is going on, and soon, this case will be heard by the supreme court where a decision will be taken after CBI files their investigation report.
Thursday, August 06, 2020 12:29 IST