Mahesh Bhatt's last directorial was 'Kartoos' in 1999 and now with 'Sadak 2' he is ready to mark his directorial comeback after a gap of 21 years. The trailer of the much-awaited film 'Sadak 2' is finally out today and it is quite interesting to watch a road trip storyline with a suspense-thriller twist. Although the film trailer was first set to be released on August 11th but amid the reports of Sanjay Dutt being diagnosed for lung cancer, it was postponed for a day.
The sequel to Sadak will take you on the ultimate pilgrimage to Kailash and will narrate the story of Ravi's (Sanjay Dutt) lost love (Pooja Bhatt) and how he helps a young Arya (Alia Bhatt) encounter with a godman, who is out to expose this fake guru (Makrand Deshpande) running an ashram. In the trailer, we can also see Alia Bhatt's love interest Vishal (Aditya Roy Kapur) and how they both are deeply in love and support each other. Check out the film trailer here -
Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt are going to be seen together after a gap of 29 years as last time they were seen together in the first installment of Sadak (1991). This film features Alia Bhatt, Aditya Roy Kapur, Pooja Bhatt, and Sanjay Dutt in the lead roles whereas Makarand Deshpande will be seen portraying the antagonist in the movie. This will be the first time that Alia will be seen working with her father Mahesh Bhatt and sister Pooja Bhatt. The film helmed by Mahesh Bhatt and produced by Mukesh Bhatt under their banner Vishesh Films is set to release on Disney+Hotstar on August 28th.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 11:58 IST