Unlike 44-year-old Demi Moore (who is married to 29-year-old actor Ashton Kutcher) or 40-year-old Halle Berry (who is dating 31-year-old model Gabriel Aubry), Ash is only two years older than Abhishek Bachchan, but we still think calling Aishwarya Rai a Cougar still applies.
Cougar is the new term for an older woman who is open to liaisons with younger men, or ‘cubs'.
Canadian author Valerie Gibson, who wrote the book Cougar: A Guide for Older Women Dating Younger Men, says, "The cougar-cub relationship is a perfect fit for all kinds of couples. A cougar is a very sophisticated, very attractive, a very sensually aware woman very much in control of
her life.
She's got a lot of energy. Today, they're very fit they're very healthy. They're very successful, very independent and sophisticated."
According to a recent online survey, 67 per cent women say they've dated younger men, while 49 per cent men have admitted to dating older women.
Now doesn't
ash fit the description some wat perfectly????
Friday, April 20, 2007 16:25 IST