Ranjha Vikram Singh and Anil Jain xo own a music production company called Running Horses Music. They have completed shoot amidst the pandemic with all precautions. He is the next bollywood actor after Akshay Kumar to resume working with extreme precautions. The next music video is a romantic track and is called as Taveez and it features bollywood actor Ranjha Vikram Singh and Sara Gurpal. The music is done by Amol and Abhishek and the song is sung by Yasir Desai. We have heard a bit of it and it is very soothing.
We spoke to Ranjha and here is what he has to say, "Music is one of my first loves. I have had huge sound boxes ever since I was in school. So this production company is to give way to new talent and produce music which will be remembered. This is a beautiful romantic track and visually aesthetic. People would just love it. The entire team is new and the energy is vibrant. We finished shooting it amidst the pandemic and we have taken all the precautions and the permissions . Safety is our first priority. We had a very small team and everyone kept distance and the checks are in place. We have tried to create something exciting and memorable for the much deserving audience and especially during these times. I hope they like the song taveez."
It's a refreshing thing that we are getting to listen to new music and watch exciting content even though the times are very challenging. It would be out soon and we would keep our readers updated.
Monday, August 17, 2020 11:02 IST