After spending four months in self-quarantine, Salman Khan returned from his Panvel farmhouse. For now, the actor is currently shooting for his upcoming season of the popular reality show, 'Big Boss'. But his fans are worried about their favorite Bollywood star`s security when Lawrence Bishnoi gang`s notorious gangster name Rahul made a shocking revelation after being arrested by Faridabad Police. In the police custody, he admitted that he did a recce of Salman Khan's Bandra residence for his assassination.
According to a report in Zoom, "Rahul was arrested by the Faridabad Police in connection with the murder of a resident on June 24th. However, during the interrogation, the police discovered that Salman Khan was next on his radar and that he had already done a recce of Salman's Galaxy Apartment in Bandra to apparently kill him. He had reportedly arrived in Mumbai in January this year and stayed in the area for two days."
In a statement issued by the DCP, "It's believed that the accused sharpshooter Rahul had conducted the recce on the directions of Bishnoi and 'later apprised him of the findings'. However, they were unable to take their plan to the next stage due to the coronavirus outbreak."
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 15:55 IST