Amitabh Bachchan Sunday apologised for the attack on three photo-journalists by security guards escorting the car which had the newly wed couple Aishwarya Rai and
Abhishek Bachchan outside his family residence Prateeksha.
According to media reports, Amitabh came out of his house and apologised, saying: "Actually, it was Amar Singh's security and not ours. Nevertheless, it shouldn't have
happened and I apologise with folded hands."
B.L. Soni, a photo-journalist with the Mumbai-based DNA newspaper, Saturday fell unconscious after a clash with the security guards and was rushed to a nearby private
Apart from him, two more photographers - Virender Chawla of Punjab Kesari and Satish Bate of Hindustan Times - suffered bruises while they tried to shoot the arrival of the
newly wed couple at the Bachchan residence.
When the journalists protested against the behaviour of the security guards towards Soni, the guards damaged the equipment of a private TV news channel, the reports
Though the media was kept away from the wedding, Amitabh has promised to release the wedding photographs soon.
Monday, April 23, 2007 17:32 IST