The tragic demise of Sushant Singh Rajput has left Bollywood upside down with its nepotism debate. As a result, Mahesh Bhatt's 'Sadak2' starring Alia Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt is already getting much hatred from Sushant's fans. The trailer of 'Sadak2' was released on 12 August that got an insane amount of negative response on Youtube with 11 million dislikes till now.
Pooja Bhatt is also getting slammed on social media for her film 'Sadak2' and recently changed her privacy setting to Private on Instagram. The actress had earlier reacted to Kangana's statement on nepotism and tweeted that Kangana was the one who was launched in the Hindi film industry under the banner of Vishesh Films.
Trending on Youtube for Sadak2, being the most disliked trailer, Pooja said, "Lovers/Haters two sides of the same coin. Gotta hand it to both for giving us their valuable time and making sure we are trending." 'Sadak2' is a sequel of 1991 film 'Sadak' that also features Aditya Roy Kapur and Sanjay Dutt in the lead roles. Produced by Mukesh Bhatt, the movie will premiere on 28 August on Disney+Hotstar.
Friday, August 21, 2020 17:02 IST