Shah Rukh Khan was last featured in Anand L Rai's 'Zero', till then the audience is waiting for the actor to come back on the Silver screen with a big one this time. SRK is all set to star in 3 idiot's fame Rajkumar Hirani's upcoming film that is based on social immigration.
King Khan was rumoured to resume the shooting of the untilted film by the end of 2020. Now the makers of the film have decided to postpone the dates and have shifted the shooting schedule to 2021. The movie will be shot in Canada and Punjab.
As per the media reports, the film will go on floors by March-end or the first week of April. The movie will be shot in three other international locations. The collaboration of SRK with Rajkumar has already created a buzz in the media. However, Shah Rukh has not officially revealed about his project with Hirani.
Shah Rukh is also rumored to be collaborating with Yash Raj films on a thriller film called 'Pathan'.
Friday, August 21, 2020 17:37 IST