As per the news got viral last year, Diljit Dosanjh and Yami Gautam were about to be seen together in a movie directed by Harnoor (son of Aziz Mirza). But as Diljit was not much convinced by the storyline and had some date issues as well, so that project was kept aside by him.
For those who want to see the on-screen chemistry of these stars, there's great news for them. Now, Diljit is all set to share the screen with Yami Gautam in a film that would be directed by Shaad Ali and the shooting will start by the end of October, 2020 in Nainital.
Diljit Dosanjh is a brilliant actor and singer who is crossing the miles of fame and breaking the records speedily with his talent. Moreover, he has earned a huge fan following in Bollywood as well with his acting in movies like 'Good Newwz', 'Udta Punjab','Philauri' and many more.
Now, let's see what will be the next update of the film. Hence, stay connected for more news related to the film.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 15:09 IST