Indian Idol 3 auditions had some interesting moments that are worth sharing with. At the Delhi auditions a participant came holding a life size teddy bear in his arms.
Surprised, onlookers and other participants made a beeline towards him only to be told this is for someone special.
While the production team, participants and
others kept pushing & pulling the 'crazy' participant...he was summoned to the auditions. Whoever said curiosity killed the cat is true. All eyes & ears followed the
participant towards the audition room.
The guy and the teddy bear entered the room. Singing he did, but what happened after that was truly touching. He was a die-hard fan of pop diva Alisha Chinai.
Amidst the busy auditions he remembered that it was Alisha's birthday and in the true spirit of a fan he came with a cuddly teddy bear and gifts to wish the diva.
The entire unit was taken by surprise. He gifted the teddy bear to the original 'baby doll' and showed her an album or some rare pictures, which took Alisha by
She was touched by his gesture and with him the entire team of Indian Idol 3 celebrated Alisha's birthday with gaana bajana and cake cutting! Remember
fans are yours truly. -
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:07 IST