On August 31st, Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor starrer horror-comedy film 'Stree' completed two years. Stree is among those films that set a bar for the filmmakers and hope that even this kind of genre can leave a mark on the audience. Before Amar Kaushik, Akshay Kumar's Bhool Bhulaiyaa also struck a chord with the audience. Now with this famous and interesting genre, Arjun Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are also coming together for the first time to star in a film.
According to the latest media reports, Arjun and Saif will be teaming up to play ghost hunters in the horror-comedy titled 'Bhoot Police'. The film will be helmed by director Pavan Kriplani, famously known for directing films like 'Ragini MMS'.
A source revealed to the portal, 'Saif and Arjun play a pair of ghost hunters in the film. The makers have been working towards getting the right ensemble on board for a while now. The film, produced by Ramesh Taurani and Akshai Puri, will roll by the year-end.'
In an interview with the media portal, Pavan said, "The duo will be seen in a different avatar. We are excited to bring this spooky adventure-comedy and really happy to have Saif and Arjun join the team as they are a perfect fit for this crazy entertainer. Both of them will be seen in very different avatars and will bring their trademark humour to the script."
Recently, Gurmeet Singh also announced a horror-comedy film 'Phone Bhoot' which stars Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi and Katrina Kaif in lead roles. Well, we have to see how these filmmakers will showcase this genre on the big screen.
Tuesday, September 01, 2020 09:28 IST