With the Abhishek-Aishwarya wedding craze hitting an all time high, BIG 92.7 FM, India's largest private FM radio network, whose brand ambassador is none other than the
most recently wed Bollywood heart-throb Abhishek Bachchan, sure had some great programming mix and entertainment for its listeners.
Among the other interesting and innovative offerings from the Radio Station, was the 'Sherwani that Abhishek Bachchan himself wore for the campaign of the BIG FM'. The
Station ran a contest, aptly christened 'The BIG Shaadi', on air, which asked listeners to send in innovative blessings.
The lucky winner was announced today
amidst much fan fare at West Gate Mall, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi.
As luck may have it, the winner, Ms. Vinny Shukla, a resident of Malviya Nagar is soon to be
wed and what better a gift for this Abhishek Bachchan – BIG 92.7 FM fan, than to see her husband on his wedding day in the very Sherwani worn by Abhishek Bachchan
The Sherwani made from zardozi and zari work, has seen the light of many a hoardings and advertisements around the country, of course, worn by Abhishek Bachchan for
the advertising campaign of BIG 92.7 FM.
An ecstatic Vinny was presented with the Sherwani by the RJ's of BIG FM - Rajeshwari Sachdev Badola and RJ
Ayushmann at West Gate Mall, Rajouri Garden.
An elated Vinny Shukla said, "This is the best gift that I can give to my fiancé. To see him in the same outfit that belongs to Abhishek Bachchan – my favorite Bollywood
star is just amazing.
Maybe I will ask him to also grow stubble like Abhishek... for the closest resemblance (she says jokingly). My favorite Radio Station got me a
special gift for my special day, which is part of my favorite Bollywood star. I am overwhelmed."
Enthused at reinventing innovation, Ms. Praveen Malhotra, Head of North Operations, BIG 92.7 FM said "At BIG FM, we have always offered unique content to our listeners.
On the occasion of the wedding of our brand ambassador who is also the son of the first family of Bollywood, we just had to do something different...and what better than to
get listeners to win something that is priceless!
The concept behind the 'contest led campaign' was to offer interactive connect to our audience and the fans of
Abhishek Bachchan. The contest produced a huge response in the city by all the fans wanting to consecrate the couple with eternal marital bliss."
Elated RJ's – Rajeshwari and Ayushmann expressed immense joy and a great deal of good deed that went into this contest, yearning that the wish will actually reap fruits
into the lives of the newly married couple.
Thursday, April 26, 2007 13:59 IST