Siddharth Roy Kapur's journey in Bollywood has been very inspiring. He has produced entertaining as well as path-breaking movies like Rang De Basanti, Heroine, No One Killed Jessica, Dangal, The Sky is Pink and Yeh Ballet among others. Known for choosing content-driven projects that have always struck a chord with the audience, Siddharth recently attended an interactive session with FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO).
FLO is an organisation that encourages entrepreneurship and professional excellence amongst women through workshops, seminars and conferences. The talented producer opened up about his inclination towards interesting scripts and producing movies that not only empower women but are directed by women as well.
He shared, `Today our country is at a point where women are coming forward with stories where they are not afraid to speak their minds. It's not like I deliberately decided that I have to only work with female directors. It just happened that two women brought two incredible scripts (The Sky Is Pink and Yeh Ballet) which I loved and wanted to produce. I will continue to prefer content-driven projects as at the end of the day it's just about making a great movie and getting the audience's acceptance. The beauty of our industry, it's all about your performance at the box-office. If you are accepted by the audience and they love watching you, one will be given the value they deserve no matter what and I feel this is the way it should've always been.`
He further shared that even though the number of male-centric movies is on the higher side, the path-breaking movies that empower women will keep on increasing with time. `Traditionally films have always been male-centric, which is why movies like Mother India, Umrao Jaan and Pakheeza were often mentioned as exceptions. Today, it's happening so much more often, that we often mention such films because they are so many of them happening and it will keep increasing,` he added.
Siddharth Roy Kapur has paved a path for fresh talent by backing content-driven projects. We hope he keeps on producing interesting content for the ever-changing preferences of the audience.
Monday, September 07, 2020 12:22 IST