Ananya Panday and Ishaan Khatter recently shared the release date of their upcoming film 'Khaali Peeli' and now the first song from the film has landed today on Youtube. The song 'Beyonce Sharma Jaeyegi' is an item number that features Ananya and Ishaan in it.
'Beyonce Sharma Jayegi' presents Ananya and Ishaan in the never seen before avatar. Giving a Tappori look, the song is a blend of popping, locking, fire juggling, and b-boying. Ishaan has surprised us with his amazing dance moves while Ananya looks beautiful in her new look.
The song is following the path of its teaser as the teaser of the film got more dislikes than the no. of likes. Directed by Maqbool Khan, Khaali Peeli is a romantic action film that is among the first Bollywood films to be released on the OTT Platforms after the closure of cinema halls in the country. The film will premiere on 2 October 2020 on Zee Plex.
Monday, September 07, 2020 12:37 IST