On Tuesday, when Rhea Chakraborty was arrested over drug charges in Sushant Singh Rajput's case, several Bollywood celebrities condemned her arrest and mashing the "patriarchy" and used the hashtag #JusticeForRhea on social media. On the other side, Ankita Lokhande called everything as an act of Karma. On Ankita's cryptic message for Rhea, Shibani Dandekar immediately reacted and took a jibe at 'princesses' talking about 'fate and Karma'.
Now, Ankita has replied to her haters and has penned a note on Instagram explaining why she called Rhea Chakraborty's arrest as the act of 'karma'. She posted folded hands emoji on Instagram and wrote, "I again clarify, for the reason time and again being asked by the media to me on whether I feel it's a murder or suicide? I have never said it's a murder or anyone in particular is responsible. I always have encouraged justice for my late friend SSR and stood by the bereaved family and truth should be brought out by the investigating agencies. Being a Maharashtrian and an Indian citizen, I have total faith in the Maharashtra State Govt/Police & Central Government instrumentalities. Though when some lingos like `Sautan` and `widow` were used for me, which is in public knowledge. I never responded to it. I only came forward to narrate about SSR and his mental health till 2016.` Check out her post here -
For her haters, she further wrote, `Dear Haters! Let us assume you must have known in and out about your friend and whats going on in her life and relationship. Glad to see you wake up finally, but I wish you would have woken up sooner and advised your friend not to support any kind of drug abuse by SSR if any.`
Ankita called the arrest of Rhea as `karma` and said, `Would anyone, who claims to have loved someone so deeply, allow the other person to consume drugs claiming to know his mental state and condition? Would you do that? I don't think anyone would. So how can it not be seen as an act of carelessness and irresponsibility? As per her, she informed his family about his ongoing treatment but did she ever inform them about his drug consumption? I am sure she didn't because maybe she, herself, enjoyed consuming it. And this is why I feel it's Karma/Fate.`
Sushant's sister Shweta Singh Kirti also reacted to Ankita's quotes and blamed Rhea for her brother's health condition.