"Mahina" also marks the debut of Anjali Pandey's Production house "Guardian Angel's Entertainment"
A number of films tackle the stigma around periods, but they frequently reduce discussions to only the feeling of shame. Anjali's short film `Mahina` explores the cruelty that still exists in the society in remote areas due to lack of education, which results in an act of brutality towards women.
The short film features Anjali and Karan Mehra, an urban couple who decide to travel and traverse a village. Their trip turns into a nightmare when they become witness to absurd and monstrous act towards a woman on periods.
`Mahina` is the result of Anjali's observation from her travel days where a part of her felt helpless that she couldn't save those women exposed to inhumanity.
Her want to change the way society looks at menstruation has resulted in a short film `Mahina`
`Lockdown gave me a lot of time to think about important topics which need change . Menstruation is definitely one of them. Conversations around menstruation have finally entered the mainstream cinema and punched holes in the culture of silence around the subject. Slowly and gradually things are changing. Mahina is my contribution to this change. Let's fight the stigma around menstruation together` says Pandey.
Karan Mehra says "I am so proud of Anjali to put together a film on a topic which needs our attention. Not many people talk about it. Mahina is a realistic film which shows the ground reality of how women are treated during menstruation"
Guardian Angel's Entertainment presents Mahina; featuring Anjali Pandey and Karan Mehra; Produced by Anjali Pandey; DOP & Editor- Eliezer Sircar; Music by - Hemant Pant; Executive Producer - Madhuri Pandey.
Saturday, September 12, 2020 10:13 IST