On Friday, the special NDPS court rejected the bail plea of Rhea Chakraborty, Showik Chakraborty, Abdul Basit, Zaid Vilatra, Dipesh Sawant & Samuel Miranda. Right now, she has sent her to judicial custody in Byculla Jail till September 22nd and booked under Section 27 A of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.
Now according to the media reports, Rhea Chakraborty has reportedly confessed before the NCB that Sara Ali Khan and Rakul Preet, designer Simone Khambatta, Sushant's friend and former manager Rohini Iyer and filmmaker Mukesh Chhabra consumed illegal drugs. Even earlier, sources claimed that during Rhea's interrogation with the NCB, she had revealed a few names of B-town celebrities who consume narcotic substances. For now, almost 15 Bollywood celebs are on the NCB radar.
On the other side, Rhea and brother Showik had approached the court under NDPS Act (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) after the Magistrate court rejected their bail requests on Wednesday. Now, all the six accused are likely to move the Bombay High Court shortly for bail. It has been speculated that Rhea will reveal more names to NCB who take or consume illegal drugs.
Saturday, September 12, 2020 10:19 IST