It would not be wrong to say that entertainment and Vishal Parekh go hand in hand. Widely known as Vishal DOP by his fans on social media, he is the next big thing in the Gujarati cinema. The actor recently shot for 'The Namkeen Song' of Gopal Namkeen. The song saw the actor in collaboration with Prince Gupta who has choreographed and directed the song. The duo has worked together on several occasions and the song is said to be a foot-tapping number with a lot of quirk and entertainment.
Vishal is already making waves for his entertaining content over the web. The actor who has created several short videos have broken the internet in the past. His tendency to make people laugh and make them entertained is what makes Parekh unique from others. Looking at the BTS of the song, it seems that 'The Namkeen Song' will enthral everyone to its beats. When asked about the song, the actor did not reveal much but he said that he is extremely excited for everyone to see it.
Vishal Parekh has worked with many big names from the Gujarati film industry. He recently worked with actress Kinjal Dave for a project. As an actor, he feels that entertaining and making people laugh is the toughest job. `Comedy is something which comes naturally to me. I am blessed with the ability to entertain people and that is what I love the most`, he added. His new song resonates with his personality and is all about dancing with enthusiasm.
Understanding the market trends, this young actor very well knows what kind of content the audiences actually want to consume. `I believe that as an artist, any project I do should entertain people of all the age groups. I don't want to build a particular image but want to make each and every person smile with my works`, stated Vishal. We wish him lots of luck for 'The Namkeen Song' and may he shine bright with all of his upcoming projects.
Saturday, September 12, 2020 17:03 IST