Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez never fails to light up a room with her infectious sunny spirit. The actor features on the cover for the September issue of the leading fashion and lifestyle brand, Grazia India.The Sri Lankan native, who has spent more than a decade in Bollywood, has showcased her acting chops in many commercially-successful films, be it Housefull 2, Judwaa 2, and Race 2. But with the unanticipated onset of Covid-19, Fernandez, like most of us, found herself cooped up at home. Fortunately, she spent the initial days of quarantine at a farmhouse on the outskirts of Mumbai.
In a candid interview, Fernandez talks about how she's navigating this period of uncertainty as she maps out her own silver linings playbook, `Now, more than ever, it's time to own your body and who you are. Recently, I uploaded a picture on Instagram exposing my freckles, which I've always been asked to conceal and have felt obliged to do in the past. I get them from my mom, it's hereditary. So, I've asked myself, Why have I been hiding them all these years? Why can't I own the way I look? I guess somewhere in the back of my mind, I am reminded of the comments I've been privy to by people who have referred to them as 'black spots' or 'dirt' and so, I've always considered it a flaw. I've learnt to be unfazed by it. As individuals, we need to reassess the concept of perfection and beauty. Today, more and more people are embracing their oddities, it's what makes them more interesting. It's time to be fearless.`
In these testing times, the actor is harnessing the power of positivity and is using it as a driving force, as she shares with Grazia India her manual to becoming her most authentic self, even during a pandemic.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 15:50 IST